Our Purpose, Objectives and a little About Us!

The Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization made up of businesses, professionals, community groups and interested individuals.


It acts as a unified voice for business, enabling its membership to accomplish collectively what no one person can easily do individually.


The Chamber is a vehicle for action through which businesses can work together for the overall good of the communities we serve.


The Chamber is involved at all levels of government and your support means the Chamber can lobby municipal, provincial, and federal government.


We seek solutions to today’s social and economic problems and then we work towards the implementation of these solutions.

The Gander Chamber of Commerce was originally founded in 1959 to encourage new industries to provide employment for our citizens.

One of the main aims of the newly formed Chamber of Commerce was to do everything in its power to keep Gander growing.

The Gander Tourist Chalet is operated and owned by the Chamber. In 1982 the Chamber introduced the first of its annual Aviation Dollars.

Monocoupe 90A Aviation Dollar

The Purpose of the “Aviation Dollar” was to promote the Town of Gander and generate operating capital for the Chamber.

In early 1989 the name of the Gander Chamber of Commerce was changed to Gander and Area Chamber of Commerce to encompass the area from Glenwood in the west to Charlottetown in the east, Twillingate, New World Island, Fogo and Change Islands, and the Bonavista North Loop.

This was a wonderful addition to the Chamber. Currently the Chamber boasts as being the largest Chamber in Newfoundland and Labrador and is also considered an urban chamber with a total membership of over 320.